
Anything that we do in life consistently, there will be some type of result. With consistency, we will also be able to see what we need to change and what we need to continue.

As a stylist, if i see a client every week or every 2 weeks and I am using the same products every visit and all of a sudden her scalp is extremely dry…. By the client being consistent with visits, I’m being consistent about the products that I use, I can almost pin point what the problem is. If I had multiple product lines and used everything off the shelf that was on sale, we would have a problem. If the client was a chair hopper, meaning, going to different stylist every week or whenever, that would be another problem. I would not know what to change in the client’s visit; do i need to change shampoo, should I not use the styling foam or is the alcohol in the spritz too much?

Consistency helps both you and your stylist. So make sure you are consistent as a client and make sure your stylist is consistent and knowledgeable about the products they use.




Waxing What?